Your name: Emma Woodward
Your occupation: Conveyancing Paralegal
Your specialist subject: Residential Property
How long have you been working in the property sector?
I graduated from the Legal Practice Course in 2015 and have practised in residential property ever since. That is now over 3 years of solid experience!
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I really enjoy meeting clients and helping them move into their new home or assist with their property transaction. I absolutely love building relationships with estate agents and other property professionals as it helps achieve a smooth and efficient property transaction, especially when a matter is complex.
Why do you think people should instruct ACUMEN PEOPLE?
Acumen People is an approachable and a proactive Law Firm which has broken away from the usual culture that is associated with our profession. We pride ourselves on the personal touch we are able to offer our clients. We have direct dials so we are here for you when you need us. We are specialists in property and strive to make a transaction as smooth as possible by communicating with everybody concerned. We are problem solvers so we don’t sit back and wait for things to happen, we get things done.
What else can Acumen People do to make a transaction flow smoothly?
We pre-empt any potential enquiries or issues when we are first instructed. This includes advising a client on any Stamp Duty Land Tax payable so they know where they stand financially and speaking with the estate agent and other parties involved to get the ball rolling. We have direct lines and mobiles so we are accessible when it is most important. We work with all parties to reach completion and by being transparent, we resolve issues quickly.
When is the best time to instruct a Solicitor?
It is important for a client to get to know their solicitor so they feel they can approach their solicitor from the outset. The sooner a client instructs a solicitor, even just gets a quote, the better. It will be one less thing to worry about once an offer has been accepted!
How long does the conveyancing process usually take?
Usually this can take between 8-12 weeks, in some circumstances can be done quicker. Of course unexpected things happen and it can take longer than 12 weeks. Every property and transaction is different and the most important thing is that the Solicitor has thoroughly reported to the client on the property and a client knows their position.
What would others say about you?
I am certainly energetic and always find the best out of a bad situation. I love to take part in social and charity events so I am always dashing around!